Choosing a Refinancing Option

What do you hope to achieve with your refinance loan?

Although it may seem like it sometimes, there are not as many loan options as there are applicants! Considering the options below will help you begin your decision process.  Also review our various loan products to determine the best fit for your needs.

Contact us at (512) 916-9955 and we can help you qualify for the best loan product for your needs

Eliminating Your Monthly Payments

Do you want the option to stop making  monthly mortgage payments?

If you (or both you and your spouse if  married) are at least 62 and have accumulated substantial equity in your home, you may qualify for a reverse mortgage to improve your cash flow, increase your liquidity and preserve your savings.

Making Your Payments Lower

Do you want to lower your rate and monthly payments?

If so, getting a lower fixed-rate loan might be a good option for you. Perhaps you are currently in a mortgage loan with a high interest rate, or a loan with which the interest rate varies (an adjustable rate mortgage or ARM). With a fixed rate mortgage, your interest rate stays the same for the term of the mortgage, even as interest rates rise. If you are planning to stay in your home for about five more years, a fixed rate loan with lower interest rate may be an especially good option for you. On the other hand, if you expect to move in the near future, an ARM with a low initial rate may be the ideal way to lower your monthly payment.

Cashing Out

Do you want to pull out some of your equity for an infusion of cash?

Your home needs renovating; your son needs college tuition, or you are looking for a source of funds for the down payment for a second home or an investment property.  In this case, your new loan will pay off  the remaining balance of your existing mortgage and provide additional proceeds in form of cash back at closing.  If you've had your existing mortgage for quite a while and/or have a mortgage with an interest rate above the current rates, you might be able to do this without making your mortgage payment higher.

Paying Off Debt

Do you have other debt with a higher interest rate that you need to pay off? 

If you have the home equity to make it work, paying off other high interest debt (like credit cards, home equity loans, or car loans) may enable you to save hundreds of dollars each month by consolidating your debt into your home mortgage.

Switching to a Shorter Term Loan

Do you wish to grow your home equity faster, and pay off your mortgage sooner?

If so, you may want to look into refinancing to a short term mortgage loan - for example, a fifteen-year mortgage program.  You will be paying less interest and growing your home equity faster, even though your payments will likely be higher than you have been paying.  However, if you've held your current 30-year loan for a number of years and your loan balance is relatively low, you may be able to do this without increasing your monthly payment. 

Removing a Spouse From the Mortgage After Divorce

Do you need to wrap up your finances after a divorce?

After a divorce, your may need to remove your spouse from the mortgage note, so they can qualify for a loan when they are ready to purchase their next home, without the previous mortgage still on their credit.  You will need to be able to qualify for the refinance loan on your own, without your ex-spouse's income.

If you need to pay off your ex-spouse as a result of the divorce, the funds can come from your home equity.  It can be tapped using an owelty lien, instead of a home equity loan, which allows you to borrow more against your home than an equity loan would allow. 

Would you like to know more about refinancing?  To help you understand your options and the numerous benefits in refinancing, please call us at (512) 916-9955.

Counselors Mortgage

NMLS# 323851

5500 Travis Green Lane
Austin, TX 78735-6322